Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Where oh where are we going to live...???

Looking for a place to live these last couple days has been weird. It still feels like this isn't happening for real. Like how did we sell our house in a day?? In the worst market ever?? God is truly, truly the master of all things. Timing is His specialty and apparently we should leave Him to handle it because He does it AMAZINGLY! So..I am going to look at a few more places tomorrow, we'll find something. I can't imagine God wants us to sell our house so we could achieve homeless status, so all will be well. I haven't packed one dang thing either. Even though I have to be out of this house in three weeks. Hmm...maybe that should be on the things to do list. Like somewhere near the topish of it...I think I was looking stressed today or maybe it was that I was hiding in bed at 6:00pm with the covers up over my head that made Nate think I was depressed or something..? Hmm.. well anyway, he always makes me feel better. He assured me that he never lets me down and he always knocks things out(then made punching fists and hit the air around him)when needed. He always makes me laugh and I felt better. Until......I walked out of the room and was going downstairs and noticed the wood ledge right by my front entry way...I glanced at it because I thought I saw something on it.. Then I looked a little closer...and I did see something on it... it said.. CJ, COLE, KENDAL FISCHER... and it was SCRATCHED DEEPLY, DEEPLY, DEEPLY into the wood. Ummmm.....I summoned all three children to the front and pointed at the wood. Cole says, Not me,Kendal's like whaaattt's happening?? So that left only one... So, Miss CJ's explanation was that she wanted to leave their mark so they could never be forgotten.. Well Miss CJ went to bed at 6:00pm and I am sure that the new tenants won't be able to forget them either...