Saturday, January 24, 2009

If you look at her eye in the picture you can see a pretty good bruise. Last Saturday the girls were cleaning their room and I heard the LOUDEST noise. It sounded like their TV fell and hit the ground. Then I hear screaming. I run down stairs and see CJ looking at me very nervous and Kendall with her face covered in her hands. So the story is this... CJ put a towel over Kendall's eyes and then was trying to direct her around the room to not crash into stuff. Well it didn't work out so well and Kendall went running quickly into the wall face first. This pic is 5 days after. Her eye was swollen pretty bad the first couple days. She was sad for a few days about it but is happy once again..

Here is a video of her reciting her Awana bible verse for the week. Kendall can't read yet(but a few words here and there)but she insists on looking at the book and pretending she is reading her verses all the time! You can hear Bosley giving some good snores in the background too.