Monday, February 23, 2009

God the beginning and God the end

I read this in the morning and It just made me cry. It's good to be reminded about how incredibly Large and out of this world God is. It is also good to be reminded how even when we think we are so smart that we truly have no wisdom unless God has Himself revealed it to us. And it's not even our wisdom we have acquired because all wisdom is His as is every good thing and good part. All knowledge belongs to Him and we are- only because of Him. Thought I would share this little part........

God is always first, and God will surely be last. To say this is not to draw God downward into the stream of time and involve Him in the flux and flow of the world. He stands above His own creation and outside of time, but for the convenience of His creatures, who are children of time, He makes free use of time-words when referring to Himself. So He says that He is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, the first and the last.

Man in the plan of God has been granted considerable say, but never is he permitted to utter the first word nor the last. That is the prerogative of the Deity, and one which He will never surrender to His creatures.

Man has no say about the time or place of his birth, God determines that without consulting the man himself. One day the little man finds himself in consciousness and accepts the face that he is. There his volatile life begins. Before that he had nothing to say about anything. After that he struts and boasts and utters his defiant proclamations about individual freedom, and encouraged by the sound of his own voice he may declare his Independence of God and call himself an "atheist" or an "agnostic." Have your fun, little man, you are only chattering in the interim between first and last, you had no voice at the first and you will have none at the last. God reserves the right to take up at the last, where He began at the first, and you are in the hands of a God whether you will or not.

This knowledge should humble us and encourage us, too. It should humble us when we remember how frail we are, how utterly dependent on God, and it should encourage us to know that when everything else has passed we may still have God no less surely than before.....

(From- The Root of Righteousness by A.W. Tozer)