Monday, March 9, 2009

The Ring

Sunday morning at church our pastor called us up front so he could pray for us. He wanted to pray for Cole and I on our trip to Africa and for protection over our family. After the service I had an older woman ask to speak to me. I had never met her before at church. She was holding this ring in her hand. She told me this story.......

"I had been given this ring many, many years ago and I got it when I was first saved. This ring symbolizes so much and is so special to me. A few years ago my daughter's friend was taking a trip to Africa and I felt like God was telling me to loan her my ring. I told God, I DON'T WANT TOO! Nope, Nope, Nope.. this can't be God...I would never take this ring off or let someone else borrow it. It's too special to me. I kept arguing about it with God but finally gave in and told her that I felt I was suppose to let her wear it while she was gone. The ring was too big for her fingers, so she attached it to her bracelet. On her trip she was walking outside the base where she was staying and praying to God and she noticed her bracelet fell off. She turned around and saw it back behind her on the road. When she bent down to pick it up, she looked ahead to where she was walking and saw a poisonous huge snake right where she was walking before! God protected her! This morning when you were up there, I felt like God told me to lend it again to you and your son while on your trip to Africa. This time I didn't even argue!"

Isn't that just the best! I put it on my finger immediately and I will wear it the entire time we are on our trip. I love that it says JESUS and I am wearing it on my ring finger right along side my wedding rings.....


Marie T. said...

How amazingly mystical...your trip is gonna be such an adventure! So exciting!