Thursday, September 17, 2009


This is the face of one BAD CHICK! I mean bad in the good way of course....This child never seems to amaze me with how tough she is physically. She pulls out her own teeth when they aren't even very loose..because she was done with it and was getting it out. She is bruised up, scraped up, bleeding all the time and just rolls with it. But yesterday she seemed to top it tall...Nate took the kids to their dentist appointments, CJ needed a few old fillings removed and then fixed and then she needed a new filling in one spot. Well, she told the Dentist that she didn't want any numbing shots.... Umm, what? Yeah she just wanted to hold her Dad's hand and get it over with..!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! She did it... and he even cut her lip and there was blood everywhere and she was just like, oh it's okay! He gave her a bravery award ticket to go to Taco Bell..haha Please understand how if I was there I would have been pushing her to get some numbing shots..but her Dad was like.. oh ok, whatever you want. I don't know if cavities hurt or not, I was always numbed so maybe it wasn't to bad but She said it hurt for a while and she just got use to it.. CRAZY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love this wild child....