Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Director Kendall

Being able to read a bit and write a bit has taken Kendall's creative outlets to new levels. She is constantly writing books and stories and either gluing, taping or stapling them together...sometimes there are 5-7 books a day. This morning when we got back from a mini-vacation she decided it was time to write a play. She wrote pages and recruited Cole, CJ and I to be actors. She wrote parts for all of us and worked very hard on all of it. Kendall is a perfectionist and she wants it to be "just right!" when it's something she has created. Cole wanted nothing to do with this play but Kendall told him he would be an Egyptian who had a sword so Cole immediately thought it would mean war and fighting so he was in. CJ went along with whatever because Kendall told her that she could sing. I had to do it because I am the Mother.....

There are two videos... I am playing the part of Princess...Kendall is taking my spot in the video so I could film. I did have to act out this play after the videoing process under Kendall's scornful eye of perfection...I will have to act it out again tonight for Nate as well. Kendall thinks this has been a small success and is already planning her next play for tomorrow.

Video 1...was stopped by the director because the maid/servant CJ couldn't quite do it right.

Video 2...we got through the entire play but the director was still very unhappy about the actors

This child is going to be a force to be reckoned with....