Sunday, September 28, 2008

Weekend wrap up...

This weekend was nutz but this is just normal life for people with quite a few children unable to drive themselves anywhere. Saturday we ran around from field to field and from soccer to football. This Saturday Kendall played her game and felt sick and so I was going to go to Walmart to get an umbrella(we were heading to Cole's football game and it was 83 which for late Sept was smokin hot!) when before we hit the doors Miss Kendall tells me she is going to puke and then there it was all over the parking lot. But I was so happy it wasn't in my car. This was a paper work weekend for me so I was trying to fit that in..Sat night I was puking out of the car on the freeway so elegantly... Today I worked from 10:00am until 8:00pm finishing paperwork. Nate was a champ taking the kids to church and to the movies so they could be AWAY. CJ went to her friends and they decided to play tackle football the whole time. Three girls with a football tackling each other hard for fun? Her feet have sores and blood on them. Nate cooked some brats and we finished off tonight eating those and watching DVR'd survivor with gooey brownies. I am going to bed early and getting ready to get some things accomplished this week that I put off the last few weeks for dumb Heroes..well it's not dumb actually it's magical and it comes on tomorrow night...WOOOO!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Kendall and a little John 3:16

Sorry it's sideways! I don't know how to fix that..other than turning my head crooked to see it. She was getting ready to go to Awana last night to say her verse and I heard her singing it and I had to get a little of it on video!

We are finally caught up with Heroes and I am so TIRED. I've been having dreams of me having superpowers it's quite ridiculous. I will be glad to sleep again.

And PS: for those of you who've known Kendall as being Kendal her entire life and you noticed I tacked another L on the name lately here's the explanation. When she was born I put on her birth certificate with two LL's and then I had it amended the next month to one L.. Her birth certificate still has two but she can use one. Anyway, when I registered her for school I had to use two LL's because I of course had lost the amendment and needed to order another. Kendall thought it was so cool she had two LL's on her papers because it makes her have more letters and more letters is cool. So she asked to switch and has been using it at school. So Kendall it is...

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Ya'll it's bad.. Nate and I heard this show was good and so we decided to check it out and have been stuck in front of the TV for days and days...we finished season 1 tonight and are immediately starting season 2 tonight too!!! Season three started yesterday so we DVR'd that's so out of control and we have NO CONTROL!!! AHHHHHHHHHH

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

I'm Six~~

I can't believe she's 6 years old today...She has brought an immeasurable amount of joy into our lives. She is so full of life and love. She feels so much. My little baby, Kendall Jace brought into this world sick and weak and God chose to heal her for His glory and I pray that she will be a testimony to that her whole life. Just as He made a promise when I named her(JACE-means healing/healed/healer)without us even knowing what it meant. I pray that her life shows His promise. She spends her days singing almost every second of the day and makes up songs for God and they are so sweet and I can't help to think how much God enjoys them.... Happy Birthday to my sweet, sweet..... brownie, cookie dough, frosting, chocolate, Cinnamon roll eating baby of my heart.

Monday, September 15, 2008

I am soooo tired!

Tonight's class was so technical...we had law enforcement come to class and a prosecutor and I didn't know that my brain could hurt like this from information. I went to one of the hospitals that I'll be volunteering for tonight. It was straight up downtown KC and the SANE(sexual assault nurse examiner) nurse was telling us to be prepared for everything and anything. They have a lot of prostitutes, drug users and alcohol related assaults at this one. Oh my gosh, ya'll... I have not been able to shut my brain off..It's taken over my dreams it's that BAD!! I need a vacation from this brain at the moment..

Sunday, September 14, 2008

I choose Jesus

Unfortunately my camera wasn't having any love for the low lights on the stage for CJ's baptism. They all came out dark and yuck. Many of you will be surprised that I had a back up plan and brought the video camera.. Seriously, I KNOW!! Last night CJ and I were talking and reading and praying about today and she was so nervous. You have to give a statement of faith and she was wanting to practice what she would say. It was pretty cute and funny the things she was coming up with. Well she settled on something she felt comfortable with and she was going to say that she Loves God and she chooses Jesus because he loved her enough to die for her and take away her yucky sins... well this morning she woke up and said she could barely sleep all night nervous that she had to talk.. At church during the baptism there were also two other kids getting baptized. Pastor asked both of them for their statement of faith..when it got to CJ he asked her if she believed Jesus died for her and and she said yes! That was it, into the baptismal and down you go in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit! After she was relieved and happy not to have to be nervous about what to say. Then she wanted to go to Chili's to get her some RIBS ...mmmmmmmmmm

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Emotionally and Mentally BLOWING UP!

These training classes are takin' it to me...I can't imagine all the things coming the next week. So far we've covered...sexual assault on both gender's and children, human trafficking,suicide, Deaf culture, Lesbian-gay-bi-transgender victims, Victims with disabilities-mental and physical, non English speaking victims and Drug facilitated rape and I am totally sure I am even leaving out more. My brain is on OVERLOAD and emotionally I have been through a pretty amazing cleansing. This has been the most exciting week. I am so proud to be volunteering for this organization. They are 100% focused on victims and giving them all the needed resources to help them survive and to eventually thrive. I am so impressed... We had survivors come and share their stories a few nights ago and I was so honored to be able to hear them. They are so brave and so worthy of God's love and affection and special attention. Programs like these help victims to matter and to receive the tools to be empowered in their lives. I am so thankful to be able to share in all this and so totally nervous out of my mind that I will say the wrong things or do the wrong things. I am going to be a hospital advocate which means when someone comes into the hospital after being assaulted the hospital will call me(if I am on call that day/night) and I will be there with the victim to walk through the process with them. Doing whatever I can to help them feel safe. I need a Jesus heart like never before...

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Cole and CJ have both expressed that they want to be baptized. The weird thing is...Cole has wanted to be baptized for almost 2 years now. Whenever they talk about baptism at church they say to write on these cards stating you want to be baptized and they will call you and set you up for the next baptism. We have them about 2- 3 times a year... well we have never, not once been called and every time they announce it, I fill out a card for Cole and we never get called. Then we get to church not knowing it was a baptism day and Cole is so desperate he wants to go up in his regular clothes right away. We then sign the card again and no call... This has been going for Cole the last two years...very weird. We both usually have it slip our minds after we fill out the card, knowing the next baptism is 5-6 months away. It was announced that we have a baptism coming up the 14th of September, so I asked both Cole and CJ if they'd like to be baptized then. CJ is ready and will be baptized! Cole told me that he didn't want to... I said, why? He said that he wants to get baptized in the Indian Ocean on his 11th birthday...what better birthday present is there, he says?? He then said, maybe God kept having them lose the cards so he could have that moment to be baptized.... wow wow wow!!! What an experience that will be. We'll be praying and talking to CJ every night until her baptism....I am so excited for her.


The world breaks everyone and afterwards many are strong at the broken places.
Ernest Hemingway 1899
I am overwhelmed by the strength and courage of people.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


I started my training classes to be a volunteer last night for MOCSA which stands for, Metropolitan Organization to Counter Sexual Assault. I'll be going the next two weeks downtown KC for the training. Last night I was there 4 hours and the information already is hard to hear. The statistics at which women, children and men are being assaulted are so outrageous. And these are the cases just being reported..We watched a video where they talked to/counseled a child who had been assaulted and I had to dig deep to not lose it. They don't hold back and the information we are receiving is the real deal!! It was good and it opened my eyes to a lot I hadn't thought of before. They asked if we thought we were living in a Rape culture... hmmm... And are comments like raising boys telling them they throw like girls if they throw bad.... Harmful? Some of the volunteers thought not...some thought it was harmful to women as a whole making us appear weak. It was such an interesting night hearing just 9 of us and all of our different opinions. I am excited to be going through this and so thankful there are places

like this... people helping people.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Sad morning at the Fischer's

We stopped by Petco on Saturday and well....we adopted a cat...I was seriously against this and told the husband and the children we were NOT getting a cat and we were just looking..Well, we went in and were looking at all the kitty's and everything was fine, until....I came across the back and saw the most BEAUTIFUL cat in the world!! He looked like a white tiger...light blue eyes with tiger stripes. He was soon as I saw him it was all over, I was like a crazed person. Asking questions and asking to hold him and then I just looked at Nate and said..Umm we HAVE TO HAVE HIM!! Nate was very confused at what the heck was happening. This was very out of character for me. Well we took him home and after finding that Bosley and the cat were friends.. Cole spent a little time with him.....about 10 minutes later my son had huge red welts all over his face.. his eyes were watering and nose was red and watering..sneezing and more sneezing followed. Cole was allergic! We gave the cat a bath and tried again the next luck. We had thought he had grown out of this allergy but we were wrong. Cole was saying we could keep the cat and he would just stay away and not play with him so the rest of the family could still enjoy him. The girls have been crying since yesterday and are trying to be brave. The girls are being nice to Cole and understand it's something he can't control....I was SAD too! haha This cat was so chill and loves Bosley and was so affectionate and looking like a Tiger! So, only dogs for us!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Tagged by Rachel M

The rules are:
1. link to the person who tagged you
2. mention the rules
3. tell 6 unspectacular quirks of yours
4. tag 6 bloggers
5. leave a comment for each

1. I am obsessed with popcorn...I try to eat it everyday and usually never in the same way. I put everything on my popcorn and that helps to ensure that no one else even tries to get a piece of it. I love melting chocolate chips in...cherry,white chocolate, butterscotch, every kind. I drench it in balsamic vinegar, I melt cheese in layers into it. I spray with butter and grind salt and fresh pepper into it. I mix herbs into it. I love it with MnM's and peanuts. Parmesan cheese with olive oil, ymmm..seriously there isn't anything I won't try on my popcorn. Plain popcorn is boring and I won't be havin it.

2. I can't remember memory is just about the worst thing I have seen of any one's memory. I can't remember any of my past already, so God has given me special friends with amazing memories to help remind me of things we did together and things about even my own children. I tried this year to help my memory by reading my one year bible and journaling it everyday so I can retain some of the bible into my memory..well that isn't working and my memory just is what it is..lame! Kendall has been a blessing because she has the best memory ever and never lets me forget things at the grocery store and for school. I'm sure she will have resentment and anger about this in her future and need some therapy..but it's workin for me.

3. I can't drink hot drinks. It totally annoys me..I keep my coffee pot in the fridge and hot chocolate or hot tea needs to be iced down if they want to travel down this throat.

4. I live in the land of Passion... Which means I'm either full to the top with love or full of rage..I don't seem to know how to manage the middle road very well. I married a very emotionally stable, middle kind of man which has helped me much. I'm not sure I've helped him much? I can be overwhelming with Love and then crazy like an insane raging psychopath...Sometimes within minutes of eachother too.

5. I think I know sign language when I am worshipping God alone...I don't actually know what I am signing and I am quite sure I'm not really signing anything but when it's just God and I, I can never sing and all I can do is move my hands and arms in weird wannabe signing moves and give that..yes..weird.

6.I am directionally challenged..east, west, north, south, mean zero to my brain. I can't even follow turn right on Ward st. half the time.. I have gotten onto toll freeways, wrong streets, different cities and driving on one way streets the wrong way, multiple-multiple times. My husband is in fear when I have to go anywhere alone I've never been. He has taken over the job of my Father, who would always tell me which mall was in the direction I was suppose to go to help.....

I am tagging:::: Meg, Debbie,Holly and Casey

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Here it is!

Here's how she's gonna roll this year....DANGER...This makes my husband the happiest man. He just keeps telling her you're name is AWESOME!!!!!!
This morning I witnessed something between my kids and I thought it was so cool. They are pretty good friends most of the time but they don't usually take the punishment for one another. Like if one is suppose to be punished they won't have a problem saying who it is that should rightfully be punished.. well this morning I made them all bagels and CJ was being a SNAIL! Talking and laughing and not eating. Usually I don't punish them for not eating, I just tell them it's their choice to starve and no snacks from my cabinet if they don't eat! Well I was feeling feisty today and irritated at her whole bagel sitting there still. I told her she had 10 minutes to finish or there would be a punishment and I told her to go ahead and get a wooden spoon out and put it next to her plate.. well I don't usually punish with spankings anymore at all and the wooden spoon thing, I'm not too into.. But TODAY I was feeling it!! She got the spoon and I came back to the table and saw she only had a few bites left of one.. Wow, that was so great CJ I tell her. I see Cole still has a whole half left. I get upset with him and say.. Cole, I'm sorry your the one who will have to get punished.. he says ok... then I see CJ look at him with sad eyes and I figure it out... I say, CJ did Cole take your other half? She says yes and he tells me.. I just didn't want her to have to get the beating... I just thought that was the coolest thing. CJ still got the spanking and I told Cole that it's not technically a BEATING and more like a spanking.. so he should probably not write a story about it at school or anything...well at least using the word beating that is..

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Date night

This is the picnic Nate made for me last night for dinner...He told the kids to stay downstairs and we had a date! It was perfect and just what I needed and seriously so delicious.