Thursday, March 5, 2009

One of these people might not live much longer....

My two daughters....these two are the most different people on the planet. Down to their different hair colors. These two do not function, think or act alike. This can be fun and not fun. Tonight it is not fun. I closed the house a little early tonight so they could get to cleaning their room. This idea was not welcomed by them. They find it very hard to work together. Cleaning rooms were much easier at our last house when they had separate rooms. This will once again be easier as we move into our new home soon and they can work ALONE. Working together on cleaning their room, usually involves both girls getting in trouble, one girl crying, sometimes spankings and is never done before hours and hours go by. It's the most drama event that occurs in this household currently. Why does this happen?? Well...because they are different colors.. Hot Pink and Black! Kendall is a talker..she talks all day, sings all day, there is always something coming out of her mouth. She likes to talk and sing when she works.. CJ is pretty quiet. She DOES NOT enjoy talking/singing while she works. This simple difference causes ALL THIS DRAMA! It's insane... Tonight, this was the conversation while they were walking into their room.... CJ," Mom I can't do it! She won't be QUIET!" Kendall, " MOM I can't STOP, I am a TALKING PERSON!" Me,"Kendall you need to keep quiet and just focus on working." Kendall," MOM I CAN'T TAKE THIS CHALLENGE!" Me,"Kendall you have to take this challenge because I'm not asking you if you want to stop talking, I am telling you to stop talking." Well I am sure now that she was correct in her initial thoughts---I CAN'T TAKE THIS CHALLENGE! She did need some more guiding. Within the first 2 minutes there was drama and crying and Nate already had to walk down there and banish Kendall to eternal silence....well at least until the room is clean. He also had to threatened CJ not to physically hurt Kendall when she talks/sings. Kendall yells up to us lots that CJ has some crazy eyes on her and she has promised to inflict pain upon her soon.....Let's hope they both survive the rest of the night.