Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Oh man...

Okay so...Twilight. I have to say that I didn't get it. I was so annoyed by hearing about Twilight every 5 minutes, Seeing them on TV, hearing and hearing about teenage girls going to watch this 4-5 times when it came out. There was absolutely no part of me buying into this madness. It didn't draw me in at all in the previews. Vampires?? Nah..not into it. It wasn't until coming home from South Africa to London did I discover my inner teenager crying out in delight. I had decided to watch some movies for the 11 hour ride. I hadn't watched any movies on the way out and so as I flipped through the choices I passed right by twilight. I started with the Reader...OK just a little too much nakedness for my liking. Then Doubt..liked this one. Then I thought, whatever I'll watch Twilight and see what the heck this thing is really about. I figured if it was too lame I would quit it and eat some delicious airplane food instead. Ummm...okay so it took about 10 minutes or however long for me to get not only sucked in but LOVING EVERY MINUTE of this movie! Hello Edward Cullen, why do you exist??!! haha Anyway, so now I am finally able to start the books and surely I will blow through all of them like an obsessive lunatic. Like a Jr. High girl flipping through Teen Beat magazine looking for NKOTB posters. Hideous!! But it's true..I can't deny the Twilight power anymore...


Tami said...

I read all the books twice. My inner teenager took over too. I liked them! Especially the last one! Enjoy your reading!!!!

Fischer's said...

Oh no!!! TWICE!! haha I am doomed for real..the inner teenager has quite a strong FORCE!!

Marshman Family Album said...

NOOOO!!! haha.. My mom read and reread that stupid book when she was here in KY... IT's was absolutely sickening! So welcome to the club.. Me.. I am standing firm and resisting the urge hahah!!!

Fischer's said...

Yes I was was Jen, until I forced her to watch it when she was here and she watched under TOTAL protest! Well she is the new #1 fan and just bought the book and blew through the first one at record speed! haha While I think standing firm is admirable...Edward is one thing you want to get bitten by! haha

T1 *Katharine* said...

Hi! So I read this and was thinking. Some people say that HBP( Harry Potter) is bad, suckish, stuff like that. But if you think about it, Harry potter has a lot of the same stuff as Twilight, ans more! Vampires, and Werewolves, Harry Potter and twilight, Magic, Harry potter Twilight, not so much! :)

Hollygal said...

Alyssa read the first 2, then she was "cutting" herself. We felt they were too dark and put her in a bad place so we didn't let her finish. I've heard from many adults it's not the case, but we also read they were "self insertion books" and a 12 year old may not be able to separate the fantasy from reality. Anyway it was hard for her to be out of the loop, but with counciling and no twilight, cutting only happened once, thankfully. Hope you enjoy, but be careful w/the kids :)