Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Tax Day

So, I decided to jump on this blogging business...I always have so much to say and so many thoughts in my head so I thought that maybe if I talk to myself(and whoever bothers to read it.lol) I'll get some things figured out and I won't talk Nate's ear off when I see him and see that look on his face like..I wish my wife had friends here to do this with. He's been so amazing these last three years with me having my lack of girls to hang with. I must say that my phone calls with Marie have kept me as sain as can be expected and really makes me feel like she is closer(in distance) than she really is. I love you Marie so much..you are so in it.

So today I finally sent my taxes in. The last possible day and down to the last minute. So completely unlike me, right? Well in my defense we owed state taxes to two different states Kansas and Missouri so I wasnt really feeling the rush.

And on to Pre-school today .... I have this little boy who's 4 and he just really can make me crazy. He licks everyone, licks everything, blows snot bubbles at all of us, spits on us, hangs on everyone,bit me pretty good a few times, hits all of us and has been known to pee on the other boys while in the bathroom. Now.. this little guy has some kind of learning disability. His Mom says he's been tested and there is nothing but some speech problems. Having spent the whole school year with him, it's obvious there is something wrong. It's really not intentional and he is completely happy 100% while doing all these things and it doesn't come from an angry place. Not sure why Mom and Dad don't want to talk about it.. maybe it's just a hard truth.. So I mostly dread what everyday is going to be like with him. My other kids look at me like..SAVE ME when he's around or when he's licking their arms, slamming their hands in the trash can or flailing around and kicking them all in the face. Well today he was in full form and I was so exhausted because he just wouldn't quit. By the time we got to lunch I found myself glaring at him across the lunch table as he snorted out some snot onto all his lunch. I literally felt my own face in an evil freeze and what it was looking like to this child. I snapped out of the face freeze and my thoughts went immediately to God. All I could think about was how much God loved this little snot blowing boy that He created. I went over and cleaned up his face and opened the snacks that he didn't destroy with his goo and watched as he yelled in the face of the boy next to him.. and I laughed inside.... thankful for opportunities like these.


Anonymous said...

I laughed, I cried. Well written. Funny. I didn't know you were a preschool teacher! Cute. I'll send your blog over to my friend Tera (remember her?) She does the same!
Keep up the good work. You can read my blog at http://activerain.com/jhgalligan
Keep 'em coming!
Holly Galligan

Marshman Family Album said...

I don't think west coast people mix well with east/mid coast people you know!! I have similar problems in the friend department out here! My poor husband haha!! It's what they get for moving us out here hahaha...just kidding. welcome to the blog world!

Marie T. said...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE that you're writing and blogging! What a fantastic story...it brought Matthew 16:17 to mind, "Jesus replied, "Blessed are you, (Melanie), for this was not revealed to you by man, but by my Father in heaven." How awesome that God is sharing his heart with you! :o)