Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Okay so I really, seriously found somewhere to live! I am so completely jammin on this place! This was the last place I looked at and there were three other couples wanting to rent it, so I didn't think my chances were all that fantastic but...after meeting the woman who owns it, she called me literally 10 minutes after I left and said it was ours!! I was no joke running around the house smiling up to heaven yelling thank you, thank you, thank you!! I know this is just a place and everything but I am just really happy about settling into this place with my family for this next little part of life. It's not fancy or anything, it just feels like a home should feel, not a hotel! Now I feel like I can breathe a bit. We're coming up on two weeks now until we are out of our house. I have started packing, having a little garage sale this weekend. My parents are going to take care of our Spencer which lifts like a huge brick of stress off my back as well. Sooo yeah for the parents and the new place. We haven't heard from the buyers what they want us to fix from the inspection but we heard from our realtor that there was nothing major wrong at all and if there was something they wanted fixed it would be minor. So that makes me feel so happy..We had some drama fixing stuff the last couple days so to know that it won't be anything else major is like a beautiful dream~ Deep a good way.