Tuesday, December 23, 2008

We drove by our old house this morning to pick up Cole from a sleep over. One of his best friends lives one house away from our old house. The girls and I were quiet driving by the lake and onto our street..I said, I really miss our house. And CJ just shook her head in agreement and Kendall started to cry a little bit. We stopped in front of it and just looked and looked. OH MAN! We had such a great time living there and it's been a hard week not being there. Lots of room for baking and being and dancing around to my favorite Christmas music....This--- in the middle place does not feel festive! haha There is no room for dancing and no room for baking and no room for a big Christmas tree...It's weird feeling all these feelings...missing a place. I know this time, this in the middle time, waiting to move and staying together in this tiny place holds it's blessings too. We are very close in space and we've been very close in our time together. I am enjoying my kids so much. Sometimes the space thing makes me crazy with the mess. But we can't hide from each other. It's been very sweet and I know the Holiday even it's with Chinese food doesn't truly matter to any of us. We really truly enjoy one another!! I miss the place we came from and I am content in where we are and I am excited about what comes in this next year for us, whatever it is..... HAPPY HAPPY CHRISTMAS!!!