Friday, December 26, 2008

Adopt a street

Our church had street adoption this Christmas. Every family was encouraged to adopt a street and pray for them. They had packets with gift bags in them, enough for each home on the street. We picked up our old street (our pastor happened to live one house away from us on the same street) and although the kids were trying to grab as many streets as possible, I stuck to my guns at one. We wrote personal notes for each one, Kendall and I went and picked out a little gift for each bag and the kids and I assembled them and prayed over each of them. Praying for blessings and peace in their home this Holiday season. We were suppose to deliver them before Christmas Eve, we had invitations in there for our service that night. We planned to deliver them a few days before and we couldn't do it! The weather had been -wind chill and the snow and ice was horrible..Christmas eve morning was cold but it was the only shot we had. I got the kids snuggled up and we headed out. I stayed in the car and kept handing out the bags as the kids followed me up the street. They prayed for each house as they went and thought it was very cool! That night I even saw a few people from the street that came.