Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Life has been so insanely busy lately but nothing to complain about, just is what it is. Looks like the CA deal for opening the restaurants is not going to be happening. Well at least any time soon. Nate and I have been PRAYING and looking at all sorts of fun places to go live. Africa, Hawaii, Washington and Oregon..applying for jobs and missionary positions to see what pops up. Not much had been popping up. We have been so confused the last few years...Thinking we were moving now 2 times and then not moving, yet really being happy here and not really wanting to leave. I've been laughing most days, tired some, at the zero funds emotional tank others. So confused yet so totally in the knowledge that we are right where we are suppose to be. Even if the next step isn't in clear sight. We started looking around here for houses and property. Thinking that if we do stay here that we would love to leave the city and try something rural! Why not? We found a pretty great place...It's on 1.5-2 acres and has a private lake in the backyard that 3 other homes share. It's 4000 sq feet and when fixed up would just be the most beautiful place to live...So we put an offer in and it was accepted! We find out Friday after the inspection if there is something major going on with it that would change our minds. It's a for-closure but not really old so maybe everything still works. So we'll know more on Friday and we are really surprised and excited that this might be the plan and that God would be bringing us to a smaller town and have me live amongst more bugs, mice and Lord knows what else. We are trying to get this all figured out and 100 other things the next few weeks. If we get the house we'll close the day Cole and I get back from Africa. Spring is just around the corner and that means Life picks up again quite a bit. I am looking forward to this next Season of weather and adventure!