Thursday, November 20, 2008

Kindness in the small things...

It's been a pretty crazy last few days and I've been pretty out of it and really tired... I haven't been to the grocery store all week and there is nothing left in the house. The kids have been eating whatever fast food place Nate stops by on the way home. This morning I had no coffee, no coke, no tea..nothing but water..I knew if I was going to make it through today I needed to start pumping in the caffeine immediately...

On the way back from taking the kids to school this morning I dug through my purse and drove up to the coffee shop. I ordered a large black coffee( I was going to take it home and put it over ice and creamer) to go. When I got up to the window she handed me my coffee and said," the man in the car before you left extra money and said he wanted to pay for the next person's drink and he hopes they have a good day." I sat there staring at her smiling at me with my coffee in her hand. I didn't take it right away because I was in total shock at what she just said...I told her, " I want to give my money to the next person for their drink and wish them a good day too." She laughed and said,"OK!" and I handed her my $2.oo in change and drove out of the parking lot. I started crying immediately. This small gesture had made an impact on me and even though it may have seemed small to the man who left the money, it was a big deposit into me today. I started thanking God for this man's kindness and asking God to bless him over and over... He made a big impact in a small thing and it was a great way to start today.... I hope I am able to remember what this Man did and to start leaving my money for the next person and praying that they have a good day as well....


dfaye said...

I love it!!!! "he made a big deposit in me today".....that is awesome!

Brooke and Tami said...

Two inspiration blogs in a row. I can't help but feel grateful for all the blessings in my life. I hope I can pass on these good feelings to others as you have.