Thursday, October 30, 2008

The endless Green Goo

WAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!! I hate being sick....I hate taking Nyquil(well who really hates that) waking up at 4:00am..cause then it was all over. As soon as my body knew I was awake it started rejecting the green goo in my throat causing me to hack away in the bathroom sink something vile. I had the kids in my room since Nate's gone and CJ woke up and is yelling.. MOM, MOM.. are you throwing up?? ARE YOU OK?? ARE YOU DYINNNNGGGGGGGGG???????? Luckily Cole and Kendall stay pretty dead to the world and I stepped over my son on the floor climbed back into bed knowing that I was my nose wasn't having that greeness in it either so it decided to just flow, flow, know that kind where you can't sniff back up? So I had to stuff tissue in both nostrils..I try to the clock...wait...wait... the last time I looked it was 6:00 then I must have fallen asleep because I was in a dream...My son was knocking at the door with his friend and his friends Dad. I answered it with the tissue in my nose.. The boys and the Dad were staring at me like what in the flip is wrong with her? Then I woke up to the alarm and to Kendall's face staring right at me. She looked pretty confused like she had been studying me for a while....She says," Mama what are those things in your NOSE???!!"

Today I had to take CJ to the dentist because her cheek has been bothering her and I didn't know if it was an infected tooth. It's happened before.. I had to take all the kids with me. I also had to take a statement from them that seemed really high and wrong and sort that out. That was some serious drama and we found the errors. The front desk lady then called our Dental carrier and was getting crazy on the phone with her! Then I could tell Delta Dental was getting crazy back on her! Each of them was saying it was the other's fault.. then front desk lady slammed down the phone on Delta..S-C-A-R-Y!! She said she would try to figure it out... Sooo... I get home and the phone rings and it's Delta Dental... telling me all about how they got so rudely hung up on and they would MAKE sure this is handled and if not I need to call them and they will I don't care about all that.. I just know that all that dental drama with the wrong procedures, wrong kids, wrongs dates of service that seemed like a nightmare will now get extra special attention from both ends and I will come out the WINNER!! WOOOOOO